1 2 3 and Junior Animals 

1 2 3 and Junior Animals

These are the animals from the 1-2-3 series for younger children. They are simpler and more stylized in a cute way than the regular animals. In 2024 the 123 line was renamed Juniors and switched to plant based plastics. They are still included on this page since it's a continuation of the style.

1 2 3 Animals
123 Dinosaur
123 Dinosaur Green
Dinosaur Baby 123
Triceratops 123
Tyranosaurus Rex 123
Tyrannosaurus Rex Junior
Alligator Crocodile 123
Crocodile Float 123 Green and Green
Crocodile Float 123 Green Green
Crocodile Float 123 Pale Green
Crocodile Float 123 Green Yellow
Crocodile Float 123 Red
Sea Turtle 123 Green
Sea Turtle 123 Red
Sea Turtle 123 Light Green
Sea Turtle Junior Green
Bird Black 123
Bird Dark Blue 123
Bird Light Blue 123
Bird White 123 Blue Eyes
Bird White Junior Blue Eyes
Bird White 123 Pink Eyes
Bird Grey 123 Orange Eyes
Bird Yellow 123
Parrot Red 123
Chicken Hen 123
Chicken Hen 123 on Base
Chicken Hen Junior
Rooster 123
Rooster Junior
Rooster Junior Heihei
123 Duck Boat
123 Duckling Black
123 Duckling Cream
123 Duckling Purple
Junior Duckling Purple
Owl 123
Owl 123 White
Owl Junior White
Penguin 123
Penguin 123 Dark Grey
Fish Blue 123
123 Fish Green
Fish Light Orange 123
Fish Red 123
Fish Yellow 123
Fish Clown Fish 123
Fish Clown Fish 123 Green
Fish Clown Fish 123 Yellow
123 Clown Fish Yellow Spots
123 Clown Fish Orange
123 Clown Fish Dark Red
123 Tropical Fish Blue Spotted
123 Tropical Fish Dark Blue Striped
123 Tropical Fish Pink Striped
123 Tropical Fish Chartreuse Striped
123 Tropical Fish Teal
123 Tropical Fish Turquoise
123 Tropical Fish Purple
Junior Tropical Fish Blue
Junior Tropical Fish Purple
123 Tropical Fish Light Yellow
123 Tropical Fish Tan
Junior Tropical Fish Tan
Junior Tropical Fish Yellow Tiger
Junior Flounder
123 Pufferfish Blue
123 Pufferfish Purple
123 Pufferfish Yellow
123 Pufferfish Yellow Tiger
123 Fish Group
123 Shark Turquoise
123 Shark Purple
Junior Shark Turquoise
Junior Shark Blue
Junior Shark Green
Jellyfish Junior Orange
Jellyfish Junior Yellow
Jellyfish Junior Large Purple
Dog Black 123
Dog Black and White 123
Dog Black and White 123 on Base
Dog Brown 123
Dog Brown and White 123
Dog Chestnut Brown and White 123
Dog Tan and Brown 123
Dog Light Brown and White Junior
Dog White and Black 123
Dog Light Grey with Grey Spots 123
Dog Grey with Grey Spots Junior
Dog Sitting 123
Dog Sitting Tan and Brown 123
Dog Sitting White and Grey Junior
Fox 123
Fox 123 Yellow
Fox Junior Tan
Cat 123 Black Spotted
Cat Grey 123
Cat Grey Striped 123
Cat Junior Grey Striped
Cat Orange 123
Cat Orange 123 or Junior Striped
Cat Tan Spotted 123
Cat White Striped 123
Lion Male 123
Lion Male Junior
Lion Female 123
Lion Female Junior
Tiger 123
Elephant 123
Elephant Junior
Camel 123
Bull Brown 123
Bull Brown and White 123
Cow Brown and White 123
Cow Brown and White 123 on Base
Cow White and Black 123
Cow White and Black Junior
Cow White and Brown 123
Deer Buck 123
Deer Doe 123
Deer Doe Junior
Deer Fawn 123
Deer Fawn 123 White
Deer Fawn Junior
Reindeer123 Brown
Reindeer 123 Grey
Reindeer Junior Dark Brown
Reindeer Junior Brown
Giraffe 123
Giraffe Junior
Goat 123
Goat Junior
Horse Brown with Saddle 123
Horse Grey 123
Horse Tan 123
Horse Tan 123 on Base
Horse White Spotted 123
Horse White Spotted 123
Horse White Spotted with Saddle 123
Horse Yellow with Saddle 123
Horse White with Saddle 123
123 Pony Brown
Junior Pony Brown
123 Pony White
Junior Pony White with Spots
Pig 123
Pig 123 on Base
Pig Wild 123
Pig Wild Junior
Piglet Wild 123
Piglet Wild Junior
Rhino 123
Sheep Black 123
Sheep Black Junior
Sheep White 123
Sheep White 123 on Base
Sheep White Junior
Zebra 123
Zebra Junior
Chimpanzee 123
Rabbit Brown 123
Rabbit Tan 123
Junior Rabbit Brown
Junior Rabbit Tan
Junior Rabbit Grey
Squirrel 123
Squirrel 123 Pink
Squirrel Junior
Dolphin 123
Dolphin First Smile
Orca Killer Whale 123
Walrus 123
Octopus 123 Green
Octopus 123 Orange
Octopus 123 Purple
Octopus 123
Octopus Junior Blue
Octopus Junior Light Blue
Octopus Junior Magenta
Octopus Junior Pink
Octopus Junior Purple
123 Snail Orange and Yellow
123 Snail Yellow and Blue
Junior Snail Tan and Green
Starfish Junior Pink
Starfish Junior Yellow
Unicorn 123 Blue
Unicorn 123 Cream
Unicorn 123 Pink
Unicorn Junior White

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