

Hans Beck, the creator of the Playmobil® figure, once said that Playmobil® would never produce dinosaurs because they aren't part of children's daily world. In 2004 the first dinosaurs theme was introduced, reflecting a change of philosophy and a move away from daily realism. An unusual theme, it combined arctic exploration and archaeology with dinosaurs frozen in ice. In late 2006 a second series of dinosaurs were released. This one with a much greater variety and in a tropical setting. A third series was released in 2012, with even more variety, as well as fossils. In 2021 the Dino Rise theme was introduced in a Mecha styled storyline. Not everything here is technically a dinosaur, but it is prehistoric and often considered a dino in popular culture.

Also see the categories Lizard Body Type and Flying Lizard Body Type , the Ammonites, the Trilobites and other Arthropods for smaller creature groups included in Dinosaur series sets.

123 Dinosaur Green
123 Dinosaur Yellow
Albertosaurus playmosaurus Skeleton
Albertosaurus Skeleton
Albertosaurus Skeleton
Albertosaurus Skeleton 2 Brown
Albertosaurus Skeleton 2 Brown
Albertosaurus Skeleton 3
Brachiosaurus 2
Brachiosaurus 2
Brachiosaurus 3
Brachiosaurus 4
Brachiosaurus Baby
Deinonychus 1 Green
Deinonychus 1 Green
Deinonychus 1 Green
Deinonychus 2 Orange
Deinonychus 3 Tan
Deinonychus 4 Blue
Deinonychus 5 Grey
Deinonychus 6 Yellow
Deinonychus 7 Dark Green
Deinonychus 8 Light Blue
Deinonychus 9 Brown
Deinonychus 10 Yellow
Dimorphodon 2
Dimorphodon 3
Dinosaur Baby
Dinosaur Baby Blue
Dinosaur Baby Brown
Dinosaur Baby Orange
Dinosaur Baby Pink
Dinosaur Baby Purple
Dinosaur Baby Red
Dinosaur Baby Yellow
Dinosaur Baby 123
Pteranodon 2
Pteranodon 2
Pteranodon 3
Pteranodon 3
Pteranodon 3
Pteranodon 4
Pteranodon 4
Saichania Tan
Saichania Green
Spinosaurus 1 Red
Spinosaurus 2 Blue and Green
Spinosaurus 3 Grey
Spinosaurus 4 Grey
Spinosaurus Baby Black
Spinosaurus Baby Grey
Spinosaurus Baby Red
Stegosaurus Red
Stegosaurus Green
Stegosaurus Grey
Stegosaurus Yellow
Stegosaurus Baby Blue
Stegosaurus Baby Orange
Stegosaurus Baby Orange 2
Stegosaurus Baby Yellow
Triceratops 123
Triceratops 1 Yellow
Triceratops 2 Green
Triceratops 3 Orange
Triceratops 4 Blue
Triceratops 5 Red
Triceratops 5 Red
Triceratops 6 Grey
Triceratops Baby
Triceratops Baby 2
Triceratops Baby 3
Triceratops Baby 4
Triceratops Baby 5
Triceratops Skull
Triceratops Skull Large White
Triceratops Skull Large White
Triceratops Skull Tan
Tyrannosaurus Rex 123
Tyrannosaurus Rex Junior
Tyrannosaurus Rex 1 Green
Tyrannosaurus Rex 2 Dark Green
Tyrannosaurus Rex 3 Green and Red
Tyrannosaurus Rex 4 Red
Tyrannosaurus Rex 5 Green and Teal
Tyrannosaurus Rex 6 Dark Green
Tyrannosaurus Rex 7 Grey
Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby
Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby 2
Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby 2
Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby 2
Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby 2
Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby 2
Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby 3
Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby 3
Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby 4
Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby 4
Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby 5
Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby 6
Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby 7
Tyrannosaurus Rex Baby 7
Velociraptor 1 Orange
Velociraptor 2 Orange and Black
Velociraptor 3 Blue
Velociraptor 3 Blue
Velociraptor 4 Yellow
Velociraptor 4 Yellow
Velociraptor 5 Teal
Velociraptor 6 Dark Blue
Velociraptor 7 Green
Velociraptor 8 Red
Velociraptor 9 Teal
Velociraptor 10 Green
Velociraptor 11 Blue
Velociraptor 12 Dark Blue
Velociraptor 13 Green
Velociraptor 14 Orange
Velociraptor 14 Orange
Velociraptor 15 Brown
Velociraptor 16 Tan

Table of contents  | Images  | By Year

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